Sunday, 10 March 2013

My Runners After trying a couple of brands and references, I decided that my favourite runners where the Nike Vomero. This is a neutral shoe that is known for its extra cushioning. Each year, Nike releases a new version of the Vomero. My first Vomero was the 4, then I got the 5 and last year I got the Vomero 6. Once you find a reference and brand that you like, you try to stick to them, since getting use to a different one can cause some headaches! So, a couple weeks ago it was time to get a new pair of runners. The old ones had already gone through three half marathons with their respective trainings, which makes way more than 1500k on them. Before buying, I always go online to read some reviews on the newest style. There are some great sites that will give you excellent feedback on this. According to a couple of sites, it seems that Nike decided, for the Vomero 7, to take away all the good things the shoes were known for. Knowing this was kind of disappointing because I really loved these shoes. So, I did some more research and found out that the Asics Gel 33 are also known for their extreme cushioning. I went to the store and tried both shoes on (Vomero 7 and Asics Gel 33) and I could definitely feel the difference. The Asics felt like my old Nikes, like home. I gave the leap of faith and changed brands. This is a huge deal for a runner, but in this case it was worth it. I love them! They feel soft and comfortable and old (in a good way). As you can see in the way my runners look, I run weird. I have lots of structural problems, like scoliosis (among others), that deeply affect my running. After visiting the chiropractor, we decided that the best thing I could do, to help my body learn to cope with running, was having orthotics for my shoes. These orthotics are custom made to fit your specific biomechanics. To use them, you have to remove the insoles of your shoes and place the orthotics instead. Some people find them uncomfortable, but I loved them since the first moment I used them. I was supposed to break them down for at least 3 weeks, by wearing them at home for a couple of hours each day, before going on a run with them. I do not have time to do this, plus I like being bare foot at home. The day I got them I went out for a 7k run with them and it felt really good! I can’t run without them now. By running with them I avoid back and knee pains, as well as some potential injuries due to my poor construction. My animal lover note: Humans are selfish. We mainly care about ourselves and those that are close to us. A few go beyond and start caring about strangers. And just a hand full, go even further and start caring about those beings that do not belong to our same species, animals. When you get to the point of seeing animals as equals, when you look into their eyes and see the same humanity you see in your human fellows, is when you cannot stand the thought of eating them. Here is when you become vegan.

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