Being part of a running clinic brings a lot of benefits to your training: you have an instructor that guides your training; you follow a program that has been designed to improve your performance, and finally, your get the benefits of the experts’ talks about topics related to running. We usually have nutritionists coming, as well as chiropractors, physiotherapists, motivational talks, yoga instructors, etc. Last Thursday we had a talk on how yoga and stretching benefits our performance. Of course I already knew this; that is why I go to yoga classes every week! But lots of the people I run with realized that it is not just about running. A good runner should do cross training to avoid injuries and enhance performance. Anyway, three weeks ago we had a very interesting talk, by a chiropractor, on injuries. To be able to show us where the most common injuries occur and their possible causes he asked for a volunteer. Of course Ron, our instructor, offered himself (I think he knew what was going to happen). The chiropractor made him stand on a bench, rolled his shorts up and started drawing on his legs. Ron was enjoying himself having a bunch of ladies looking at his legs. We could all tell by the happiness in his face. Or perhaps he thought he was doing an act of charity by letting the chiropractor use his legs for learning purposes. I could not miss the opportunity to immortalize this very important learning moment.
My animal lover note: Sometimes I really can’t believe how people keep buying certain products without ever wondering where they really come from. As a vegan, I never buy anything that has been made with animal products. Of course I have a duvet, and of course I have a very warm winter jacket, but none of those have dawn feathers. I always check the labels to make sure they are filled with synthetic fibers. I have seen these pictures, posted by PETA on facebook, on how the feathers are ripped away from the poor animal’s body. It is clear that the animal suffers. I always repost these pictures and every time I have the chance to talk about it I do it. But it always strikes me how selfish humans are. They always come up with stupid answers like: but those things are warmer if they have been made with feathers! Really? WHO CARES if it is warmer, another being is suffering for you to feel warmer! Just wear an extra layer! Simple!
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