Sunday, 15 December 2013

What I Have Learned

Last Friday I was talking to some of my running friends about how running has shaped our lives. We were analyzing how running is so different from others sports or ways of exercising. When you are an endurance runner you know it is impossible to compete against others. The only person you are competing against is yourself and your own fears, and this ends up altering who you are.

Although I have never been a quitter, I can definitely say that since I am a runner I have a stronger will, I don’t whine, and I have more courage and confidence to fight until the end. Running has taught me that when you persevere and work hard you see the results; you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

A race is a reflection of what life is. During a race you experience ups and downs; there are moments where you feel high and others where you feel low. You doubt yourself but you also feel confident. There are times that you need others to cheer you up, and times in which you are alone and you have to find the strength to cheer yourself up. It is easier when you are running with someone else but this is not always possible, so you have to learn to run by yourself too. You learn that you need to work hard to see results, otherwise things won’t change. You learn to enjoy the view because if you just think about the finishing line you will miss the journey. You learn that sometimes it is just about enjoying and sometimes it is about pushing the limits.

You learn that the competition is with yourself, no one else. You understand that we are all so different (different bodies, different weaknesses, different injuries, different goals, and different thoughts) that it does not make sense to compete against each other; and here is when you learn to be happy for them. You also learn that, for this competition to make sense, you need to help others to achieve their personal goals. You eventually realize that, there will be so many times, you will need them too to get you through the finishing line.

I used to go to therapy now I run.

My Animal Lover Note:

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